Thursday, March 27, 2025

Update #4 - March 2025

 Even less writing progress this week - still stuck in chapter 24. Complications have included my desktop computer dying (I'm on my laptop now), working on Oak Leaves, and hosting our Spring Equinox ritual Saturday (only hours after the desktop died, which didn't improve my concentration). I can put off buying a new desktop computer until I've finished this issue of Oak Leaves, which should be my last -- after 9.5 years of editing it, I'm handing it off to a new editor, who I hope won't need much help from me! I need to concentrate on my writing if I'm going to have The Well of Wisdom published by Samhain!

In other news, we are progressing into early spring. My little plum tree is blooming beautifully, and some bees have found it. Most of the crocuses I planted last fall didn't survive, however -- the squirrels may have found some of them, but I planted rather late, and the cold dry weather over the winter won't have helped. But the hardy grape hyacinths and violets have started to bloom now.

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