Thursday, March 13, 2025

Update #2 - March 2025

 Some progress this week, although not very fast. I finished chapter 23, and am 1,000 words into chapter 24, which is between 1/4 and 1/3 of a chapter. (The longest one so far in this book is 4,385 words, and the shortest 2,295 words.) I spent Monday's and Tuesday's writing time thinking about what needs to be in this and the next chapter, combing through the previous two Storyteller books to see which Mac Criomthann stories Gwernin has heard so far, and thinking about which ones I can fit into the rest of the book. This current chapter will take him to visit Caróg the Oak Priest again, and hear the tale of Mac Criomthann's search for his father Lovernos' birth name - a quest not unlike Gwernin's.

Mild dry weather the last few days - highs close to 70 F, and mild or no frost - but that's about to change again, with possible snow Tuesday. That's spring in Colorado.

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