Thursday, March 6, 2025

Update #1 - March 2025

 More progress than last week, although in fits and starts. Chapter 23 ("Midsummer") is mostly done, bar some tweaking, and we will finally hear about Neirin's experiences in Oweynagat. In the next chapter Gwernin et al will start south again, still moving along the route he followed in The Fallen Stones, but in the opposite direction.

Mild weather here, with even a little rain one night, and my first clump of yellow crocuses is blooming in my yard. The elm trees are blooming as well. It's beginning to be, cautiously, early spring.

Friday, February 28, 2025

Update #4 - February 2025

 Running late again with this weekly post, and unfortunately not because I was writing. There have been a lot of mundane complications in the last week, as well as a good bit of snow last weekend which had to be shoveled. I'm hoping the next week will go better. I did finalize Chapter 22, insert it into the master document, and make a modest start on Chapter 23. (I write the chapters one at a time, then combine them with the full book document.) This chapter, "Midsummer", finds Gwernin et al finally at Beltany Stone Circle, where Fráechán will be running the midnight ritual, the local druid not having shown up for whatever reason. After that we will finally hear about Neirin's experience in Oweynagat, which is the long episode I removed from the end of Chapter 22. 

We're still having mild weather -- a second false preview of spring -- but should get more snow again in the middle of next week. I'm hoping it will melt before the following weekend. In the meantime, Ruay is enjoying his outside time.

Friday, February 21, 2025

Update #3 - February 2025

 I more or less finished Chapter 22 a couple of days ago, but more tinkering was required, partly because it was running far too long. Eventually I took the last episode out and parked it temporarily in Chapter 23, which I need to start writing now. This will take Gwernin et al all the way north to Beltany Stone Circle, and may involve Fráechán running the Midsummer ritual there--possibly a hazardous thing for him to do. Oh, and Gwernin has told Fráechán that he wants to visit the Well of Wisdom, but not why--that will be in Chapter 30!

The weather has been very wintry here for the last week--single digit F lows a couple of nights, small amounts of snow, and last night 4-5 inches of the white stuff. However, it should be warmer for the next week. Ruay and I will both be glad of it!

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Update #2 - February 2025

 Slow progress on chapter 22. Gwernin et al are on their way north. Taliesin has told them what he experienced in Oweynagat, and Ianto has performed for the king of Connacht and won a silver bracelet. We still haven't heard Neirin's and Mael's experiences, which should take care of the rest of the chapter.

Zero degrees F here this morning at sunrise. It might get slightly above freezing later today, but the rest of the week should be a little less cold. I'll take some hot water out to the birdbath in an hour or so.


Thursday, February 6, 2025

Update #1 - February 2025

 A slow start to chapter 22. This one will take Gwernin et al from Cruachan/Oweynagat to Beltany stone circle in the north in time for midsummer. I had to review Gwernin's journey in the opposite direction in The Fallen Stones, also the geography. What I've got written so far will need some tinkering; some of the things that were important in The Fallen Stones aren't important in this story. We pass through the area where Fráechán made his last Druid Fence, and he should tell us a little more about that; also Taliesin has promised to tell us about his night in Oweynagat (which I'll be working on today). All in all, it's a long ride, with probably not much excitement, but we'll see.

Denver has had some nicer weather this week - no snow, and highs in the 50s and 60s. After tomorrow, things will be colder again.

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Update #5 - January 2025

 I finally finished chapter 21 a couple of days ago. Now Gwernin et al will be riding north, intending to reach Beltany Stone Circle in time for the Midsummer observances there. 

Not often do you get five Thursdays in January. After a very cold and snowy month, the beginning of February, at least, looks more pleasant - forecast high for next Wednesday is 70 F! I'm looking forward to finally get some garden cleanup done; I also want to start walking regularly again. Ruay will also be happier. :)

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Update #4 - January 2025

 Not much progress with the writing this last week due to various distractions. Hopefully next week will be better

The weather has been very cold here, with several near zero or subzero F nights and some days that didn't get above freezing, also a couple of days with snow. Next week should be better with highs in the 40s.

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Update #3 - January 2024

 Some progress this week - about 2/3 of chapter 21. Gwernin and company have arrived at Oweynagat, and three of them are sharing their own experiences of the cave. I'm debating whether to include a couple more incidents, which would make for a rather long chapter. In the next chapter, they'll head north.

The weather has been cold and dry for the last week, but there's a bitter winter storm with snow and subzero lows forecast for the weekend. May the weather Gods be merciful!

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Update #2 - January 2025

 I've made a little progress on chapter 21 in the last week, interrupted by finishing up the spring issue of Oak Leaves. I've found a replacement editor and will be working with her on the summer issue which comes out at Beltane. After that I should be able to concentrate on my own writing without interruptions. This will be good, since the story is beginning to move -- Gwernin et al are on their way to Oweynagat.

January weather is back this week - very cold with intermittent snow. I keep planning on running errands, then canceling. Next week at least looks drier, if not much warmer. My orange cat Ruay hasn't spent much time outside this week, and when he's out I've been setting a timer to remind me to check on him. We'll both welcome the approach of spring.

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Update #1 - January 2025

 I finished chapter 20 yesterday -- mostly fidchell games and magic. Now in chapter 21 Gwernin et al will be moving on to Cruachan and Oweynagat for a different sort of magic. First, however, I have to finish my article for Oak Leaves and wrap the issue!

Relatively mild and dry this last week, although we had one night in the lower teens. Next week's weather looks more promising for precipitation, which we need badly. I ask the weather gods every morning for rain - we shouldn't be having fire warnings in January.