Thursday, September 12, 2024

Update #2 - September 2024

 Not much progress on Well of Wisdom in the last week, as I've been busy with layout for Oak Leaves due to having received the last submissions I was expecting. That is mostly done now, bar the proofreading and the last couple of articles, so maybe I can go back to my writing this week, where Gwernin and his friends have reached King Suibne's home. We'll now see what has developed there in the last 6 years since The Fallen Stones

The weather has settled in as autumn, with a few hot days followed by milder ones and cool nights - my morning outside temperatures have been around 50 F at dawn. Ruay has been enjoying his outside mornings, although of course he gets less time on farmers' markets days. And I have blooming morning glories here, there, and almost everywhere in my back yard - some consolation for no vegetable garden this year!

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