Thursday, September 5, 2024

Update #1 - September 2024

 A cool, cloudy, damp morning after last night's rain. The seasons are definitely changing - one of the Virginia creeper leaves outside my bedroom window is showing color. Too wet outside for yard work today, so I should get a little more writing done. 1,049 words so far on chapter 18, mostly last Thursday and Friday. 

The weekends start with trips to the farmers' markets, and Sunday afternoon was taken up by the on-line class I've been taking with the Angelsey Druid Order. Monday through Wednesday I did yard work in the mornings, and I also spent a lot of time doing layout for Oak Leaves magazine. That is mostly done until I get the last couple of articles I'm expecting, so I plan to work on my own writing today <grin>. And I also need to work on preparation for my talk at our October retreat, the subject of which this year is Sacred Darkness, and read the new book on Fourknocks that I just got from Anthony Murphy in order to review it... September is always a busy month for me, but more so than usual this year!

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