Thursday, August 29, 2024

Update #5 - August 2024

 Milder weather, and I finally got a little writing done. I finished chapter 17 (at last!) and have started chapter 18, which will take Gwernin and company on the road again, heading west on the way to Cruachan and Oweynagat. They are taking Fráechán with them as one of their bardic company, rather as they did in The Fallen Stones, since Druids are becoming less popular but bards are always well received, especially Master Bards such as Taliesin.

No mundane problems this last week, for which I thank the Gods. Looking forward to September and cooler weather. At least the days are getting shorter; Ruay now wakes me up at 6:15 a.m. rather than 5:30!

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