Thursday, August 22, 2024

Update #4 - August 2024

 Once again, not much writing progress due to various distractions plus hot weather. I went out Saturday morning to start the pickup for our weekly farmers market run, and when I turned the key, nothing happened. Not a light, not a crank, nothing. I checked under the hood, and everything looked OK. My local garage is closed on weekends, so I waited till Monday. Talked to them and to my insurance, and after a lot of phone calls and texts, eventually had the pickup towed to the garage. The tow truck guy confirmed the battery was dead, and jump started the pickup to get it out of the driveway and into the alley so he could load it. I didn't want to take a chance of it stalling on the way to the garage, and I knew my insurance should cover it.

It was indeed just the dead battery, although they found and fixed another unrelated minor problem. That took care of most of my week, as I was too stressed to concentrate on writing. I also spent a fair amount of the mornings on yard work to make sure the city inspector who had cited me for tall weeds last month would be happy when he finally got back to take another look. (He was.) So all and all, I hope to finally get back to work. The weather should be cooler this week too, which will help.

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