Thursday, August 15, 2024

Update #3 - August 2024

 Some writing progress for a change - I've finally finished the interior Mac Criomthann story for chapter 17 bar a little tweaking, and should finish the rest of the chapter in the next couple of days. Then Gwernin and friends will be traveling again, taking Fráechán with them. They will be revisiting some of the places in the north which Gwernin visited in The Fallen Stones, but in the opposite direction, starting with Oweynagat. I doubt I will finish the book this year because I have other projects in September and October, but it is what it is. 

In the meantime I'm putting in an hour or so of morning yard work most days. I mowed the back yard this morning, and it now looks quite presentable - a big change from the overgrown hay field of two months ago! Front yard again next week...

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