Thursday, August 1, 2024

Update #1 - August 2024

 Another hot week with not much writing done. I've been doing some yard work that should have been done earlier in the summer, and have had to work on the main part of it (overgrown veg on the south side of the house) between about 6:30 and 7:30 am, before the sunlight gets to that area. Next week should be cooler, thank the Gods, and I can finally get the lawn mower through to the weeds in the front yard.

We'll be celebrating Lughnasadh here on Saturday, but it's officially today. On the old Celtic calendar, this is the first day of autumn, and the end of the first grain harvest. I always get a little confused by people calling it the middle of summer - that was 6 weeks ago. We are losing almost 2 minutes of daylight every day now, which is pleasant because my orange cat Ruay doesn't start trying to get me up until almost 6 am <grin>.

Hoping to make more writing progress next week...

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