Thursday, June 27, 2024

June 2024 Update #3

 The upcoming issue of Oak Leaves is mostly wrapped and has gone to the proof reader. This week's distraction, however, has been provided by Denver Water, whose subcontractors have been digging up the street (complete w/ sawing, drilling, scraping, excavating, and dump truck noises) all week. The mid-to-upper 90s F temperatures haven't helped either. I have managed to look at most of the PDF of the book to date, find and correct a few typos, and consider what to do with a couple of problem patches, one of which is an over-long flashback to Storyteller, and the other of which involves minor rewriting in a couple of chapters where I  decided the plot decisions didn't make sense. 

If the heavy equipment work is finished early next week, I might actually get a little forward writing done before Lughnasadh - this  will include remembering some of the things I thought of while I was ill which need to be in the story. At least I have finally got over whatever that was, and am almost back to normal physically. Next I have to decide what to do about the backyard lawn, which has gone unmown all summer -- but that may need to wait for cooler weather. Just as well I am not trying to finish the book before Samhain this year.

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