Another week without much writing progress. I decided I needed a database of character names from my books, and especially from the last three involving Ireland -
The Fallen Stones, The King's Druid, and what I've written so far in
The Well of Wisdom. I am trying not to use the same name for different people - at least important ones. Common names for secondary characters are less of a problem. I realized a while back that I'd used the name "Fedelmid" for both Togi's chief Druidic teacher in Ireland and Fráechán's magical teacher and predecessor as Archdruid, but since there was 500 years between them, and it was a popular name in early Ireland, "borne by mythological and historical figures, kings, saints, and many exalted ancestors in genealogies", according to the Oxford Dictionary of Celtic Mythology (one of my name sources), so that's okay. I hope to make more progress on chapter 19 soon, once that's done.
In other developments, my neighbor on the south asked Sunday if he could take some branches off the fence-line elm tree which was overhanging his power line due to the snow, and I said, take what you want, I'm thinking of having the whole tree removed, and could you take some branches off on my side which are on my lines while you're at it? The upshot was that he took the whole tree down in pieces, and I have been spending a couple of hours a day reducing big branches into smaller pieces for large item pickup Monday. I'm going to have all the firewood I need for quite a while!