Wednesday, November 17, 2010

...and Wednesday...

Mixed rain and snow yesterday evening; nice today but cold. No chance for writing, and there won't be for a while. With daylight savings time having gone, there's no light after work now to garden. The dark half of the year, indeed.

frost on rowan tree



  1. I, too, have not had my time for writing as I'd like! But I managed to get my review of Ash Spear down. I'll probably tweak and fuss with it for a few weeks, as I usually do, and it's not what I was planning -- but I recognised that I'd reached the point where the vision was blocking the reality. What's worked for me in the past is to simply write something, revise it, and ... well, that's writing, for me. Some of it I lead, some of it I follow.


  2. True words. When I do get started again (probably not until after Christmas) I plan to let the story lead. Trying to figure out the details beforehand - for me at least - doesn't work.

    A link to the review:

