Sunday, May 31, 2009


Still proof-reading and gardening. Most of the tomatoes are in now - only five or six more holes to dig (groan!) Corn and beans are seeded, squash seedlings planted. I'm late with everything this year because I was working on the final draft of Ash Spear weekends when I should have been tilling.

Saturday, May 23, 2009


We're proof-reading today in and around things like mowing the yard and tilling the garden. Tomato-planting tomorrow Monday - it's high time. This is the one year in five or six that I didn't get a killing frost after May 1st and therefore could have planted early (if I hadn't been so busy with the manuscript!) - oh well.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Back home again

Back from a weekend in the Black Hills of South Dakota at an SCA event called Quest for Camelot. As usual I forgot to take pictures, but here's one I took at the site two years ago.

Proof copies of The Ash Spear arrived while I was gone - it's looking good!


Wednesday, May 13, 2009


The final proof copies have been ordered, and barring any unforseen problems, The Ash Spear should be released on Lulu early next month, probably reaching sometime in July (Lulu pushes it to Bowkers, but Amazon has a monthly upload schedule after that). This one weighs in at 328 pages and $19.95 SRP, though hopefully Amazon will discount it a bit. For a bit more about it and a couple of quoted passages, see its page on LibraryThing. There's a lot of other fun stuff there as well ;-)

Now I can start researching the next one, and maybe catch up on the rest of my life, including my gardening - the tomatoes are climbing out of the cold frame, and have started blooming!


Sunday, May 3, 2009

Still here...

Yes, I'm still here - in the throes of proofreading / revising / all the nick-picking detail that comes at the end of preparing a book.

Tomatoes are getting big, too - I'll try and get a picture up soon. It's spring!